You are probably very much like me — another writer seeking to share wisdom, touching stories, information, or guidance to those who need it.
Here’s the soul-crushing reality for every tenderhearted, hopeful writer.
The person who needs it won’t get it if they never read it.
There are a lot of articles that I simply don’t read. And here’s why.
- It’s LONG. I write my articles to be super digestible, which means they are short. I like stuff that can be consumed in 2–3 minutes. People only want to take in so much when they are reading leisurely. Don’t be an attention hog. Catch them for a moment, and release them to explore something else — preferable another article you wrote.
- It’s BULKY. Those big, long paragraphs and long sentences? Immediate killer for me. This is another way that I make my work super digestible. Keep it short, concise, and know when to hit the return key.
- It’s TOO MUCH. Don’t write every article like it’s your last. If you are cramming too much information into one article, it loses power. One simple, concise, focused, well-written concept is far more impactful than adding literally everything you could think of in the last hour as you frantically typed away.
- It’s FLUFFY: Eliminate anything that isn’t critical…